Tuesday 20 April 2010

One cup of the brown stuff with plenty of that white shit sprinkled on top!

Hey it's my first post in well over a year and after scanning through the last one i have to say that it is a pointless and strange post, however i do agree with the things i said. Anyway.....

It's 07:07am, a night of good quality hash, FIFA 2010, Kick Ass and many cups of tea had passed and i have yet to feel that initial drowse! the heavy eyelids have yet to affect me so i thought why not stumble down stairs and make myself a strong cup of coffee. Some people take advantage of coffee and guzzle it down like mineral water, not me! I drink the stuff when i have been on said nights, but i make sure i have a good few teaspoons of the brown stuff in the cup and sprinkled with a shit load of the white stuff! stronger the better is what i say.

The ultimate moment of decision is here for me, what do i do with my day? work at 6:00pm limits my choices but are choices actually necessary when the answer is already known?
I could get out of the house today, look for a good full time job that will support me well and help kick start my adult life, but that ain't gonna happen! Not whilst i have a chunk of hash and a guitar sitting no more than a few inches away from me. No, today is not a day for change, i can feel it in the air, the same old air that blows through here everyday, a never changing wind. Or maybe that is just the ash cloud that those friendly folks on the news have been chatting about for the past couple of days? hmm! either way i know today shall be a good day! a win win day.
If i go out and find a job, then i have a job and maybe some hopes for future development, but if i stay at home then i will write a song, I'm certain of that. It may not be a great song or even a okay song but a song none the less! Jim Morrison got away with ranting gibberish into a microphone, who says i can't get away with the same crime?

It feels strange, not knowing where you are going in life, soul crushing at times. Everybody has at least one dream and mine is to make it in music, However my poor guitar playing ability and down right lazy behaviour is a constant threat to the dream.
I hope the dream comes true but in this part of the world, dreams are just that...dreams! There is no possible way you could become a star if you hail from these waters, no no! inspiration turns to aspiration, aspiration turns to devastation, and devastation is never a good place to end up at.
That should be the motto of this town but i doubt it would ever be considered giving it's bleak undertone, But then again, this is a bleak town and i don't see any proud motherfuckers or mp's attempting to change that fact.

I guess life is like a road, and at one point you get the chance to either turn into the back alleys and into obscurity or you can rev that engine, knock it into fifth gear and drive that bastard straight on to the sidewalk, effecting the lives of everyone that step in your line of vision! Hurry now, that turn off is coming up....

Tuesday 24 February 2009

9/11 - America Attacked - My Thoughts On What Really Happened.

Right, Im gonna guide you throught the events of September 11th 2001 giving you evidence that support my views that the attacks on america that day where done by the american government. I will also give you in a in depth history into american culture, politics and previously used war tactics that also strengthen my point. Please read this with a open mind and feel free to argue my points and also give me your point of view and opinions on what i have discussed. Okay lets get started.
Early in the morning of Tuesday 11th September 2001 19 middle eastern men boarded four passenger jets, later that morning on at 8:46am american airlines flight 11 crashed into the world trade center's north tower, then at 9:03am a second plane hit the south tower of the world trade center. Then at 9:37am american airlines flight 77 crashed into the pentagon. A fourth plane which was believed to be heading toward the white house or the united states capitol crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03am, it is believed that passengers fought back against the hijackers on this flight preventing the plane from hitting either the white house or united states capitol. That is the simple facts that the american government want you to believe. It is your choice to believe this or you could read my theory and then see what you believe.

Right this is my theory, which is based on facts might i add.

The main point of my theory is that i believe the american government orchastrated the attacks on america that day so that they could go to war in the middle east against iraq and afganistan.

I will now prove my point to you in the simplest way possible. but first lets go back to 1913 where the federal reserve system was created. The federal reserve is a centeral banking system in america and it was created by the entactment of the federal reserve act. This is the bank that controls all the money that comes into and is in circulation in America.
In 1913 this was created to stop financial panic that was ensuing at the time.
So now all the money in america was controlled by one central bank which was made up of many powerful banking familys from that period such as the morgans and the rockefellers. And with great wealth comes great power. Power can either be used or abused. This power was abused.
When the first world war started, the federal reserve and its many banking powers that controlled it noticed that this could be a chance for the federal reserve to make even more money, how? If america went to war then america would need to increase flow because more money will be needed to purchase ammunition and such. However america could not just atomatically enter into this war, they needed a instigation technique such as a disaster caused by the enemy. The idea for this came when a top advisor of one of the many powers of the federal reserve visited england and had talks with a british pollitician who told him that if they sent a american ship into german waters it would be hit with missiles, this was the attack that america wanted to send them into this war. So thats what happened and the american people, appauled that the enemy did this to their own people backed the country into going to war and signed up for the army. It is noted that John. D. Rockefeller (a highly wealthy banker behind the federal reserve) made $200 million dollars from the war which is equivilent to billions in todays money.
The next major war was the second world war. The disaster that instigated america into joining this war was the infamous pearl harbour attacks. Let it be noted that nazi germany bought there fuel for there aircrafts and such from a company owned by a certain John. D. Rockefeller. It should also be noted that america had knowledge of the pearl harbour attacks before they took place. So just like the war previous, one disaster against a country, strikes a fire inside the american people leading america into war once again. What does this do? this causes yet more money to go out of the federal reserve to pay for ammunition and such which will then return to the federal reserve with even more money from the interest which the charge or as its more commonly known, Tax!
The next major war to hit america was the war in Vietnam. Which disaster instigated this one? it was an attack on a ship by the viet cong which has been stated by top american polliticians and officials was all a lie and didnt even happen! so just like the 2 wars before it, more money is pumped into the federal reserve yet again.
The next major war is taking place right now and is also known as "the war on terror" and what disaster instigated this war. Yeah you guessed it, the attacks on america on september 11th 2001 or as its also known 9/11.
On that day planes where crashed into the 2 world trade center towers, the pentagon and a field in pennslyvania which was believed to be heading to either the united state capitol or the white house. However there is many strange occurances and facts that make you wonder what actually happened, lets discuss them now.
First of all the pentagon, record states that passenger flight 93 hit the pentagon. Why is this strange well one reason is because after the billions of dollars that had been spent protecting that building a passenger plane was able to do a 70 degree turn and direct towards the pentagon and crash, even tho the terrorist that was meant to be flying that plane has been said to have been a awful pilot and had difficulties flying a normal small plane, nevermind a huge passenger jet. Also a local rader commander said that the flight behaviour of that plane was strange as it moved more like a millitary fighter jet rather than a passenger jet. Another point is that there was no wreckage found to suggest a plane hit the pentagon and the whole that was in the wall of the pentagon was the size of a hard nosed missile, not a passenger jet. Another strange fact is that the FBI confiscated all CCTV footage from the buildings surrounding the pentagon which would prove wether or not a plane crashed there or not. However the FBI refuse to release any of this footage. Have they something to hide?
Secondly the 3 world trade center buildings. The idea is of "the pancake theory" in which when the towers collapsed they free fall. There is many ideas against this tho. One of them is that many people have went on record saying they heard, felt and saw explosions in the basement of the tower BEFORE! the first plane hit. There is also footage of explosions taking place moments before the collapse? strange? The weird thing is though that when the towers collapsed there was no steel support gurders left, but this contradicts the pancake theory that the government use. You see these gurders ran straight through the buildings right up the middle and there is no scientific way in which any heat could have caused them to melt. When these gurders were examined they discovered they had been cut diagnol, which is they way they are cut when a controlled demolition takes place. It is also proven that there is no way the planes could have melted the steel frames for the building because most of the jet fuel vaporised in the explosion upon impact of the planes hitting the towers. It just doesnt add up.
So with the american people behind them once again, they went to war again and if america invade and take control of the middle east, then they take control of middle eastern oil, and with oil comes money.
It was also revealed that george bush signed a declaration that united canada, mexico and america into one united nation however this was not reported on. The aim of this was to create one nation with one currancy and one central bank. Now that america are taking control of asia, and already have power over europe and now the control of canada and mexico. America are secretly on there way to holding control over the world leading to one world government and one currancy all powered by one central bank. The Federal Reserve.

all my points are proven in this video:

please watch this,
it will open your eyes to the nature of the world we live in.


Everybody needs to watch this!

Please watch this!

This video changed my perception on the world we live in and made me want to stand up and do something. Hopefully it will have the same effect on you.

Please watch this with a open mind and you may open your eyes to what this world is becoming.

Thank You.
