Tuesday 20 April 2010

One cup of the brown stuff with plenty of that white shit sprinkled on top!

Hey it's my first post in well over a year and after scanning through the last one i have to say that it is a pointless and strange post, however i do agree with the things i said. Anyway.....

It's 07:07am, a night of good quality hash, FIFA 2010, Kick Ass and many cups of tea had passed and i have yet to feel that initial drowse! the heavy eyelids have yet to affect me so i thought why not stumble down stairs and make myself a strong cup of coffee. Some people take advantage of coffee and guzzle it down like mineral water, not me! I drink the stuff when i have been on said nights, but i make sure i have a good few teaspoons of the brown stuff in the cup and sprinkled with a shit load of the white stuff! stronger the better is what i say.

The ultimate moment of decision is here for me, what do i do with my day? work at 6:00pm limits my choices but are choices actually necessary when the answer is already known?
I could get out of the house today, look for a good full time job that will support me well and help kick start my adult life, but that ain't gonna happen! Not whilst i have a chunk of hash and a guitar sitting no more than a few inches away from me. No, today is not a day for change, i can feel it in the air, the same old air that blows through here everyday, a never changing wind. Or maybe that is just the ash cloud that those friendly folks on the news have been chatting about for the past couple of days? hmm! either way i know today shall be a good day! a win win day.
If i go out and find a job, then i have a job and maybe some hopes for future development, but if i stay at home then i will write a song, I'm certain of that. It may not be a great song or even a okay song but a song none the less! Jim Morrison got away with ranting gibberish into a microphone, who says i can't get away with the same crime?

It feels strange, not knowing where you are going in life, soul crushing at times. Everybody has at least one dream and mine is to make it in music, However my poor guitar playing ability and down right lazy behaviour is a constant threat to the dream.
I hope the dream comes true but in this part of the world, dreams are just that...dreams! There is no possible way you could become a star if you hail from these waters, no no! inspiration turns to aspiration, aspiration turns to devastation, and devastation is never a good place to end up at.
That should be the motto of this town but i doubt it would ever be considered giving it's bleak undertone, But then again, this is a bleak town and i don't see any proud motherfuckers or mp's attempting to change that fact.

I guess life is like a road, and at one point you get the chance to either turn into the back alleys and into obscurity or you can rev that engine, knock it into fifth gear and drive that bastard straight on to the sidewalk, effecting the lives of everyone that step in your line of vision! Hurry now, that turn off is coming up....

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